Category Archives: Socialization

You Can’t Handle The Truth

This week is an interesting discussion of the generational divide of what constitutes “history” and how to spur interest of past events with the younger generations. Also Gregg gets to brag about his kid, so there’s that.

Idiot Zoo for Me and You

Welcome to your new favorite vacation destination – and it’s educational too! If only the idiots in the real world were as safely hidden behind bars as those in our Idiot Zoo. Put on your headphones, the walking tour is free! Diet Coke in a souvenir cup is available for $8.95.

Risky Business

We remember being more risky as kids than they are today. Where is the line between early responsibility and neglect? Helicopter parenting and failing safely? Also discussed, the proper amount of salt on a pretzel.

Collective Negativity

We are at a fascinating cultural point of collective negativity. We no longer look for shared interests, instead we look for shared outrage as a bonding mechanism. What does any of this have to do with zoos and salves?


What’s next? There are so many theories out there, both religious and scientific, but in the end it all comes down to what you are comfortable believing in. Deep stuff this week with a healthy dose of the usual James & Gregg tomfoolery.

It Didn’t Age Well

A stroll down memory lane and all the things you just don’t see anymore, many for good reason. Cigarette machines, metal playground equipment, toll booth operators, and All In The Family.

Who Does Your Family Think You Are?

We recently had a full-on family reunion and noticed the ways everyone shifts their behavior when we see each other after a long absence. Do you put on a mask when your family is present?

Willful Ignorance

A 4-year old with their fingers in their ears saying “na-na-na I can’t hear you” has an excuse for thinking they can hide from the truth. It’s because they’re 4. What about when adults do it?

Where Are My Friends?

It’s well established that depression and anxiety are key problems for aging Gen-Xers, and one of the most common complaints is loneliness. What happens as we get older that we have trouble making and retaining friends? Just as important, what is it that we need in friendship at this stage in our lives?