Category Archives: Rants

I Hate it When A Plan Doesn’t Come Together

Are you a planner? What if you’re an obsessive planner surrounded by people who don’t take the plan seriously? Ask Gregg, he’ll tell you all about it.

It Didn’t Age Well

A stroll down memory lane and all the things you just don’t see anymore, many for good reason. Cigarette machines, metal playground equipment, toll booth operators, and All In The Family.

The Social Price of Failure

This week we discuss the younger generations, failure and freedom on our Season 1 Finale. Wait, what? No one said there would be seasons….

Try Harder

Rant! We revisit the “boats and horses” conversation from a few weeks ago and then get into it, yelling at clouds and trying to understand why people can’t just try harder.

You spend money on that?

Part rant, part legitimate question. There are lots of ways to spend your time and money. Why are you burning it? We’re talking about horses, boats, fancy cars, camping, gaming, Disney, and golf.