Category Archives: Family

The Social Price of Failure

This week we discuss the younger generations, failure and freedom on our Season 1 Finale. Wait, what? No one said there would be seasons….

Who Does Your Family Think You Are?

We recently had a full-on family reunion and noticed the ways everyone shifts their behavior when we see each other after a long absence. Do you put on a mask when your family is present?

Stuff and more Stuff

Following up on the “When It’s Time to Move Your Parents” episode, we talk about stuff: the perceived value of stuff, the actual monetary value of stuff, and the time and cost of removing the stuff.

Note the proper use of “it’s” and the Oxford comma above. We take this stuff seriously, folks.

Mortality, or Make Sure Your Tool Drawers are Labeled

The number one unavoidable fact of life is death. For those left behind it prompts anger, fear, regret and so much more. How do we react to the evidence of our own mortality all around us?

When It’s Time To Move Your Parents

Last year James and Gregg had to assist in moving our in-laws across the country once it became clear that they couldn’t be on their own anymore. It’s a situation filled with frustration, emotion and lots of cash.