Category Archives: Deep Thoughts

Brain Rot

This week we touch on seasonal affective disorder and then dive into brain rot. Why do we spend so much time on it when we know there are much better things for our mental and physical health? Plus, Shrimp Jesus.

Step On A Crack….

This week for Halloween we look back at the superstitions of our youth. Some of them have a basis in logic and reason, and then there others that make no sense, but all of them bring back memories and stories.

I Hate it When A Plan Doesn’t Come Together

Are you a planner? What if you’re an obsessive planner surrounded by people who don’t take the plan seriously? Ask Gregg, he’ll tell you all about it.

Collective Negativity

We are at a fascinating cultural point of collective negativity. We no longer look for shared interests, instead we look for shared outrage as a bonding mechanism. What does any of this have to do with zoos and salves?


What’s next? There are so many theories out there, both religious and scientific, but in the end it all comes down to what you are comfortable believing in. Deep stuff this week with a healthy dose of the usual James & Gregg tomfoolery.