Monthly Archives: May 2023

The Stigma of Mental Health

It’s the Lusty Month of May! It’s also Mental Health Awareness Month. This week we get deep and personal about mental health challenges and the mainstreaming of neurodivergence.

When It’s Time To Move Your Parents

Last year James and Gregg had to assist in moving our in-laws across the country once it became clear that they couldn’t be on their own anymore. It’s a situation filled with frustration, emotion and lots of cash.

Where Are My Friends?

It’s well established that depression and anxiety are key problems for aging Gen-Xers, and one of the most common complaints is loneliness. What happens as we get older that we have trouble making and retaining friends? Just as important, what is it that we need in friendship at this stage in our lives?

Welcome to It Only Hurts When I Talk

Welcome to our first episode! James and Gregg are no strangers to podcasting and now we are turning our sights to sharing the Gen-X experience as we age toward retirement, empty-nesting and figuring out what comes next.