
Links to stuff we talk about during the podcast.  Some is our own, others have credit given where due.  Share the knowledge!

From Season 3, Episode 6, “Nutrition Over 50”.

The fantastic shirt that James sent to Gregg.

From Season 3, Episode 3, “Strategic Downsizing”.

From Season 2, Episode 8, “Afterlife”.

The Discovery

I, Origins

The Egg by Andy Weir

From Season 2, Episode 7, “Millennial Accountability”.

Gen X Scoffs at Millennial Complaint That Boomer Parents Abandoned Them (

From Season 2, Episode 2, “Adulting”

From the episode “OCD, OCPD or just Anal Retentive?”:

Here is some information on number-form synesthesia:

Grammar police! From the episode “They’re, There, Their”.

Don’t miss Weird Al’s lessons in Word Crimes or Vampire Weekend bringing the Oxford Comma to the general public.

The Stigma of Mental Health episode. Here are the images that James was referencing, click on either one to be directed to the source material.

Wrapping Paper and Greeting Cards. Here’s an article with the history of wrapping paper that we were citing during the episode.

References for our discussion (with more to come) about Gen-X dealing with aging parents.

The “Typical” Gen X Caregiver – AARP Fact Sheet (

The Gen-X dilemma: how to talk finances with aging parents (

The Conversation Gen Xers Must Have With Their Boomer Parents (

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is one of our favorite topics and you’ll hear about it a lot. This graphical representation of DK is borrowed from an article by Joshua Render.


In the first two episodes we referenced a whole bunch of articles that motivated us to start this podcast in the first place. They all cite the difficulties faced with the aging Gen-X male population.

It Took a Global Pandemic, But Generation X is Finally Getting Love (

Baby boomers, Gen Xers deal with prospect of aging alone (

More And More Gen Xers Are Learning What It’s Like To Live Alone (